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Communicate with Love

As human beings, communication allows us to form relationships and connections with people and without communication it can feel like we are cut off. This can be really tough in the Twin Flame relationship because of how strong the love feels at the core. Being cut off from that love can be quite painful. In this course, you’ll find ways to manifest positive communication as well as tools to support yourself when communication is feeling more scarce. 

Communication isn’t union itself, but for many Twin Flames, communication feels like the next step in order to start negotiating and seeing if union is possible. It’s the space where you can get with your Twin Flame on the 3D level and share how you are feeling, and hear from them as well. 

Many Twin Flames have expectations for how this communication will go, which isn’t inherently bad, but it helps to look at where those expectations are coming from and how you can shape them in a way that supports you and plays in your favor. 

Regardless of what you discover in this course, it’s important to build from a framework of love. Twin Flames are all about unconditional love and we will breathe that through every step of the journey. 

This means that you should do your best to always communicate from love. This isn’t always that easy, and sometimes you will forget. Love yourself through that. Unconditional love is a combination of radical self acceptance and grace, but also boundaries and focusing on what is healthy. If you mess up, give yourself grace, accept that you may have some wounds that get triggered and come out from time to time, but also own up to that and try to work on those wounds or fears that are behind the trigger so that you can have healthier and happier communication. This applies to talking to yourself and talking to others. 

This also means that you should do your best to love the communicator in you. Everyone has a different style of communicating, so find what works for you and give them love. Not everyone is going to be naturally good at communication. Some people are more prone to miscommunication than others, some are prone to being triggered more than others, some are prone to just talking a little bit differently than everyone they know. When you find your style, as long as it can be communicated and expressed clearly to others in a way where you feel understood and as long as it allows you to listen in a way those you love feel understood, or like you are working in that direction you are good to go. If those two aren’t where they need to be, it’s okay to be a little upset with your communication style and in that case a little work on developing your inner communicator could go a long way to see either expression or listening improve. 

These are all things you can do to support you. Love your communicator and continue to grow as a communicator. 

As a reminder of last lesson, unconditional love does not equal unconditional access. If someone has made it clear that they do not want you to contact them, you must respect that. Do not harass, stalk, or violate someone’s boundaries or break the law. If someone is harming you with their communication, you do not have to give them access to you either. 

If your Twin Flame communicates in a way that causes you harm, you must draw your boundaries and get yourself to safety, closing communication down if necessary. Just like I will ask you to really examine how you speak to yourself and choose to speak to yourself more kindly, it is important that you do not enable your Twin Flame to disrespect you or speak to you in an abusive way. If possible, you can have a conversation with your Twin Flame surrounding your boundaries, but if they consistently belittle you, insult you, manipulate you, etc. they are not worth being in a relationship with right now, even if they are your Twin Flame. What they need is some time and space to grow, and what you need is to take care of yourself and your wellbeing. 

Communicating from love is both acting out of love, and stepping away from actions that are not love based. This means reaching out with love when it's the right time, and taking a step back out of love when it's the right time. Keep focusing on the Twin Flame work that is within your reach, and things will start shifting no matter the circumstances. 

Lesson Activity

Answer the following journal questions to get to know you a little better. 

5 Lessons


In this module, we’re going to get acquainted with the course, go over the importance of communication, get clear on our boundaries moving forward, and define the goals and intentions you have for the outcome of this course experience. 

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