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Define Your Goals and Intentions

Alright, now it's time to get things rolling!

Let's get a little bit more clear on your destination and set some goals and intentions.

Having a destination allows you to plug where you want to go into your spiritual GPS. This allows you to embrace not always knowing how things are going to happen, but as long as you stay on your current road until you're ready for the next turn, you'll arrive there in the quickest way possible. You can even elect to avoid highways and tolls if that's not your style! 

Once you have your destination plugged in, you can trust your angels and guides are working on guiding you exactly where you want to go. Follow your intuition and keep moving forward and the magic will happen. 

Let's take some time to set your Intentions and goals for this course using the lesson activity and download below. 


Lesson Activity

Download the worksheet and write down all that you'd like to see in your Twin Flame relationship around communication.

Then, answer the following questions below. These are required questions to answer. 

5 Lessons


In this module, we’re going to get acquainted with the course, go over the importance of communication, get clear on our boundaries moving forward, and define the goals and intentions you have for the outcome of this course experience. 

Lessons for this module 5
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