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When it comes to Twin Flame work and especially breaking into a space of 3D communication boundaries are super imperative. I do not condone harassment. When someone tells you to give them space, you need to listen. 

If your Twin Flame has blocked you out of communication, focus strongly on building up your inner self communication and other elements that do not require you to cross this boundary. 

If your Twin Flame is continuously pushing you away, do not keep pushing back. If nothing is shifting after you complete all of the practices and lessons here, you may have deeper work to do beyond communication work. 

If the message to wait and not push the boundaries isn't coming from your Twin Flame, but it's coming from inside of you it's also important to honor this. Sometimes it's you who needs the space to focus on yourself, heal yourself, or give them room to grow and change too. Other times, it may still be your Twin Flame who needs some space, but you feel this on an intuitive level. 

When we're in a place where communication adds to both our Twin's and our life, that's when we know we're in a good space, but if things feel rocky you don't have to push communication yet. 

Follow your intuition, listen to you and your Twin Flame's boundaries, and always do what you feel is right. 

Just because you are Twin Flames on a soul level doesn't mean you get to ignore how that feels on everyone's human level. Both matter equally, and if the human selves need space, the soul selves will be able to work with that too. 

Lesson Activity

Provide your agreement to honor everyone's boundaries below. This is one of the few required questions to answer. 

5 Lessons


In this module, we’re going to get acquainted with the course, go over the importance of communication, get clear on our boundaries moving forward, and define the goals and intentions you have for the outcome of this course experience. 

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