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Divine Union: DF and DM Water Practice

Do you find yourself wondering how the heck you can get your Divine Masculine Twin Flame to actually stand in their Divine Masculine and work with you on this whole Divine Union thing?

Do you find yourself struggling with feeling like you're supposed to step back in order to be in alignment with your Divine Feminine and thus your Twin Flame?

Do you find yourself having to change who you are in order to attract your Union?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I'm afraid you may be operating under bad advice. Or at least, advice that's missing a piece or two. 

The way to get your Twin Flame to step up in their Divine Masculine isn't for you to forsake yours- it's for you to find the balance between your personal DF and DM energies, and that's exactly what this practice will help you do.

If you're ready to cultivate a balanced, aligned, and grounded Divine Union between you and your Twin Flame, and you're ready to actually own your power instead of shying away with it by combining your DF and DM energy into their divine Union, then this practice is for you! 

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