Order your Channeled Message from your Twin Flame before October 31st before prices go up!
The journey is hard, relationships is hard, life is hard, so how are you going to make this work?
From telling you to completely surrender, detach, and do everything you can to not think about, have feelings for, want or breathe towards your Twin Flame in order to manifest them in your life, so that you feel bad when you naturally think about your Twin Flame.
All the way to telling you that you need their specific teaching, group, or way of approaching things to make it to Union, so that you end up loosing out on the wisdom of your own voice and spiritual center. Which I would argue is actually the core of Inner and Outer Union, finding your own voice, truth, and teachings.
The Before:
You meet your Twin Flame, you have an intense connection with a painful separation, you learn about the journey and try to do the work the best you can. You may have made some progress, but you’re not in Union yet and you're not sure why things aren't working or what to do about it. You feel isolated and alone, like you don't have anyone to talk to in your personal life about this. You feel like you're crazy, because surely if you were sane things would be working by now?
The During:
You learn to see yourself, the journey, and your Twin Flame in a whole new light. You unwind even the most stubborn knots in your connection, step into your highest self, open your heart, and find the balance between rapid shifts and gentle growth. You get permission to accept the journey for what it is and go all in on your feelings - whatever they may be. Your journal practice gets a little deeper, your reflection process gets a little juicier, and you're starting to see shifts in the Twin Flame mirror along the way.
The After:
You trust yourself. You learn what Union feels like, and you indulge yourself in inner union. This allows you to build outer Union with your Twin Flame and you take your spiritual work to the human relationship level, in a practical, tangible, real way. You're talking with your Twin Flame, you're navigating the triggers where in the past you may have gotten caught up, and you're building real, solid, and healing relationship with your person.
The best news? You've found a space that nourishes this process — and so much more.
A chill, supportive, and transformative online space for Twin Flames to cultivate Union, together.
Monthly Embodiment Practices
1-2 targeted activities you can do each month to help you process your work on a human level while also relishing in a little bit of structure amongst a chaotic journey, plus the backlog of over a year of previous practices to dive in whenever you need them. Let's face it, some of this journey is tough, a good worksheet can't capture it all, but it can capture a lot and make things way easier than they were before.
Individualized Feedback
You get rational, supportive, grounded feedback whenever you share or ask a question in the group. This is how to stop getting stuck in advice that hasn’t been tailored for you and get the momentum rolling on your own hard work. You also don't get stuck in your own ways of seeing the world. When you've looked at a block in the past, you're so up close and personal with it, and you only know what you know, so while you might not be able to see the way through at first, the conversations you have in the Coach's Lounge will change that real quick!
Monthly Chakra Work
Having gone through all 7 Chakras, now it’s time to blend them. What happens when you unlock the power of your root and heart together? Or heal that sacral chakra wound that has been deeply connected to your throat chakra block? Blend, balance, and expand your connection to your own energy system.
The Facebook Group
A small, welcoming, intimate, supportive community with other Twin Flames who vibe with this holistic approach and are here to support themselves and each other on their way to Reunion. Plus, plenty of opportunities all month long to dive in a little deeper when things are calling you, get even more support when you do, and ask for help whenever you need it.
Free Access to The Twin Flame Journey Orientation
Worried about understanding the Twin Flame journey as a whole? The Twin Flame Journey Orientation will help you get a good logical overall picture, and a clear sense on what work you need next to keep your connection balanced.
Showing Self Love Mini-Workbook
Have no clue how to get your Twin Flame to start reflecting something positive back? This Showing Self Love mini-workbook will give you 6 different approaches to self care to get the best out of this mirrored connection starting now with grounded, purposeful light work.
Discounted Access to Extra Support 1:1 Coaching Calls
If you ever feel the overwhelming urge to vent, deep dive, or pick my brain for an hour via phone call, this discount will help make that support more accessible. Let yourself go from frustrated and confused, to clear-headed and chill, cause you got this!
✔ New Monthly Embodiment Practices ($44 Value)
✔ Individualized Coaching All Month Long ($300 Value)
✔ Monthly Chakra Work ($22 Value)
✔ The Facebook Community (priceless)
✔ Backlog of 30+ Practices ($300+ Value)
✔ BONUS: Twin Flame Journey Orientation ($25 Value)
✔ BONUS: Showing Self-Love Mini Workbook ($11 Value)
$702+ monthly membership
$4728+ yearly membership
Your Price: $37/month
"Katie - thank you so much, for the encouragement, feedback, and support. I will sound like a broken record expressing my gratitude, and I don’t care. It has been all these wonderful resources that have played a part in my journey and helped me along. So again… thank you.”
— Anonymous, former Coach’s Lounge Member
“Katie has been a lifeboat to me, in hurricane waters!!!”
— Anonymous, Current Coach’s Lounge Member
“You put this in a way my brain can learn and work with. It reminds me of those childhood workbooks but the adult version. That helps me to better navigate the journey being an analytical human being.”
— Anonymous, Current Coach’s Lounge Member
Hi! I’m Katie — creator of this support container and the Twin Flame Coach.
As a Twin Flame and a Twin Flame Coach, I have some relevant experience to what you’re going through. I know how intense the connection feels, how disappointing and heartbreaking separation can feel, and the confusion and frustration that can come from to trying to figure out how to get back into Union when conventional advice just doesn't seem to work. I’ve been where you are, and I’ve supported others who have been there too. I know what it’s like to want Union so deeply, and hurt because it feels so far away.
But I also know how to go from that... to actually being in Union too.
I created the Coach’s Lounge over a year ago because I wanted a safe space for Twin Flames to go, where they can get their hands on some tangible, actionable steps. I wanted Twin Flames to have the container to talk about their Twin Flame journey whenever they need and then get that troubleshooting support they need to actually follow through with making the Twin Flame journey their own. Not just listening, or tolerating, but activating and expanding.
I wanted to gently, lovingly, and consistently foster an environment that brings out your inner union, that then leads to outer Union.
And so far, we’ve had that in this group. Everyone’s timeline is different, but we’ve seen rapid shifts in communication, slow build ups, physical reunions, birthday wishes, communication progress, an expansion of self love, peace, and understanding for the process and so many other different wins along the Twin Flame journey.
While I don’t guarantee any specific results- I don't think anyone outside of your self CAN guarantee any specific results, and be weary of any one who does - I do passionately believe in the impact this container has and can have. The self love that is developed, the relationship bridging that starts happening, and the hearts that expand from this gentle, pragmatic, expanding approach to Twin Flame work is something that makes me proud to be the Twin Flame Coach. If you're open to it, it can and does happen!
If you’re picking up what I’m putting out, then I’m super excited for our journey together!
My background: I met my TF in June of 2015 and while I could feel self-separation being triggered and mirrored from almost the beginning we officially went into separation around October that year.
After a brief reunion followed up by a third party situation halfway through that brought us back to separation, we made it to reunion in June of 2016, just a few days shy of the one year anniversary to our first in person meeting and date.
We’ve been together since and the love has only gotten more intense. The lessons have calmed down a bit, but absolutely 100% not gone away. Because that's what this relationship is. One of growth and learning. Each year, our work together allows us to find deeper and deeper levels of inner and outer Union.
While working as an astrologer, I started seeing Twin Flame coaching clients in 2020 and have helped countless other Twin Flames navigate their journey, find their inner union, and build their outer union ever since. I hope to help you on your journey too!
You deserve to have a space where you can fully show up as your Twin Flame self and get the support you need to gently and confidently take your journey to the next level, no matter where you are right now. That’s why The Coach’s Lounge was designed to help you take action, feeling supported and secure in your way forward with practices and conversations that allow you to go at your own pace and make this journey your own, meeting you at the starting point you most resonate with. Because let's face it, this journey will never be a one sized fits all.
I created the Coach’s Lounge to help you avoid staying in separation any longer than you need to — so you can relax into your Union work with ease, knowing as long as you show up, the rest will come together.
If you aren’t satisfied with your membership for any reason, you’re free to cancel your membership at any time.
Access to your membership will be revoked at the end of your billing cycle and you won’t be billed again. You will not be refunded for any unused portion of your membership period.
The Before:
Jane is a Twin Flame. Before joining the Coach’s Lounge she was really struggling with the limiting beliefs that are all over the Twin Flame community. She thought that any kind of reaching out to her Twin Flame was chasing. That in order to manifest her Twin Flame, she had to stand in her Divine Feminine only, and that included not reaching out. All this on top of regular relationship wounds like not feeling good enough and having been hurt in the past making it harder to trust herself and others. All the while, her heart was still aching from the pain of separation and wanting a union she didn't see the path to.
The After:
Since joining the Coach’s Lounge, Jane has been able to challenge the rules and regulations she has given to the Twin Flame Journey, make game-changing progress on the healing process for her previous wounds, and find the courage to reach out to her Twin Flame again. And while doing the work together means they both still aren’t totally ready to call it a relationship yet, the communication is working. They’re getting closer. They’re overcoming their wounds. And they’re making plans for their future so they can keep heading in the direction they want.
In Jane’s words right after she re-establised communication:
I just wanted to say something Katie has been talking about for the past couple of months. Reaching out to the divine masculine. I had been reluctant to reach out to my twin. We had 4.5 months of no contact up until the end of last month. After months of inner work I decided I was ready to try again. I had learned a lot about myself and my twin. What he needed and what I needed to communicate effectively.
Our last two conversations have been going well. I even asked him if we could meet. He agreed. We haven’t found a date and time yet but the fact we agreed I felt like wow I can see all my hard work, working.
I’m saying all this to say. I had spoken to Katie about how I did not want to reach out first. That it was his job. How I felt as the divine masculine he needs to reach out to me so I don’t feel that I’m being divine masculine. Also I didn’t want to feel like I was being the chaser again. Just so many emotions came up with reaching out first. I decided to continue following my heart and mirror exercising those feelings. I pushed through.
I'm glad I did because we are communicating. Thank you Katie for all your help. I can’t wait to continue to grow with your guidance.
What if I don’t have a facebook account?
My website hosting platform is working on a community feature, but it’s still in development. If you want access to the practices and chakras, you can still access that without the facebook group, but you will be missing a very large component of the Coach’s Lounge by not joining the group. Check back in the future about community location, because this may change or consider getting an account just for this container.
What if I’m reluctant to share my experiences amongst a group?
In facebook groups you can post anonymously if you ever need it! I’ll still be able to see who you are so I can relate my support to your relevant experiences, but others won’t know. You can even keep commenting on that post anonymously too! At the same time, this group is so supportive and welcoming of whatever your story may be.
Is there a call time?
Nope! Everything is done written forum style, so you don’t have to worry about timing. Check in whenever you need!
Monthly practices all in one place.
Learn about and work with the Chakra of the Month.
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