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Blog How to Help your Divine Masculine Heal

How to Help your Divine Masculine Heal


Wondering how you can help your Divine Masculine Twin Flame heal? This is a common conundrum for a lot of Twin Flames! On one hand, you know that you and your Twin Flame are a mirrored soul, so any work you do can help to impact them. On the other hand you know that you are both your own people, so how do you navigate helping your Twin Flame heal while maintaining and celebrating their individuality, especially when on the surface, it doesn't look like they are doing the same healing work you are? 

Here is my advice:

First: Embrace that their journey might not look like your own. There is no one right way to heal, and even though you prefer to heal one way, your Twin Flame may need an entirely different approach to make an impact. It's super common for the Divine Feminine Twin Flame to have a very spiritual healing process. Don't be upset if your Divine Masculine Twin Flame doesn't have the same approach. While you come from the same soul stuff, you reflect different parts of that soul. There is multiple ways for a soul to reach an end goal. However, if you're only looking for one type of healing, you might miss all the other ways your DM is making efforts in the right direction. 

Second: Treat them kindly, celebrate their best qualities, and reinforce safety and trust. When someone is hurt in life, they can struggle to trust themselves and other people. They may learn that they aren't good enough, or that no matter what they do other people will always end up hurting them. The best way for someone to heal from these types of beliefs are to experience positive situations where they can rebuild trust in themselves and trust in others. That takes time, effort, and positive reinforcement when that trust is extended. It's not always easy when you're dealing with your own wounds, but wherever you can, support them in a positive way, just as you would support yourself. 

Third: Continue to work on your own healing. Your healing journey is never done, whether you're in union or not. Being humble, not trying to rush the process, but being present with what is in front of you is important. When you are triggered, take some time to dive in. When you are getting frustrated, or feel hurt, explore what else that might be connected to. This will allow you to be a better partner to them, but also, to yourself. A win-win for all. This is especially important if you find it hard to be the type of partner you would like to be from step two. This is an indication that you too need some tender love and care to help you heal in your relationship with self and others. 

Fourth: Strengthen your relationship with your own masculine. Evaluate if it needs any healing, celebration, encouragement, or action taking. Your personal masculine is your action taking, outward expressing, self assertion energy. It's what allows you to take your desires and make them happen. If you'd like to see more of your best DM, then take the time to cultivate the best of your own masculine energy. Act on the things that are important to you, work on the things you need to work on, and allow your DM to reflect you from the inside out. 

Fifth: Utilize your Twin Flame connection. You and your Twin Flame are always connected and this can allow you to send energy their way, initiate or ask for healing, work on their chakra system, or hold them in love. To do this, just connect with your own energy first, your heart center, or your entire chakra system. Then, focus on what you want to help them heal through, what you would like them to find relief from, and then ask for that healing, visualize the needed energy floating your Twin Flame's way, and when it arrives, visualize it washing over their energetic system. The more you do this, the more you can impact them, but don't forget to do the same for yourself! If you put more emphasis on healing your TF than working with your own chakra system, you may notice this doesn't work in the way you would like it to. 

Sixth: Give them time and space to heal in a way that is natural to them. Their healing may not happen as quickly as yours, it may not be able to happen when they are around you, or until they are in a better place in their life. After you ask for the healing, trust that it will happen, and continue to make the most of your time by pouring your love into your own cup. 

What do you think? Have you tried any of these ways of helping your Divine Masculine heal? How did that work for you? 


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