Want to learn about what your Sun Signs say about your Twin Flame Union?

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Blog What your Twin Flame's Sun Sign says about your Mirror Work

What your Twin Flame's Sun Sign says about your Mirror Work


Astrology is one of my all time FAVORITE tools, so why not have some fun and use Astrology as a tool to help inspire Mirror Work. 

Find and read for your Twin Flame's Sun Sign to see what mirror work you may need to do based on common lessons they may be moving through! 


If your Twin Flame is an Aries some of the inner work you might need to do in order to cultivate inner and outer Union includes working on your relationship with anger, your body, sex, independence, or taking action. You may have to learn how to find the balance between nurturing your own life path while also not being selfish or self-isolating. You may have mirror work lessons related to courage, impulsiveness, and competition. The healthier relationship you have with your own identity and self expression, the better. Find ways to take action towards what you want in life. 


If your Twin Flame is a Taurus some of the inner work you might need to do in order to cultivate inner and outer Union includes working on your self worth and self esteem. You may also find yourself need to evaluate your values and your commitments, being sure that they come from a true place of self. At times you may have to learn lessons around stubbornness- when its good to hold on or when its good to let go. Other themes you might need to work on is your relationship with money, earning, spending, and saving it. If not money directly, this may relate to your relationship to material things. 


If your Twin Flame is a Gemini some of the inner work you might need to do in order to cultivate inner and outer Union includes working on your relationship with your mind and your voice. If you haven't worked with your Throat Chakra before, that may be very important. Your inner work may revolve around harnessing your ideas, being confident enough to express them, and fostering curiosity for the ideas of others. You may also have to work on your mindset, being able to hold space for complicated, complex, or contradictory thoughts. Or, perhaps your work is calling you to focus on your relationship with your peers, siblings, or local community. 


If your Twin Flame is a Cancer some of the inner work you might need to do in order to cultivate inner and outer Union includes working on your relationship to your past, your inner child, your family or mother, and your emotional needs. If you don't have a good relationship with your emotions, learning their language and how to tend to them will be imperative. If you haven't gone through your childhood to see how it shaped who you are, and whether or not you want to reparent anything, that may also be a big theme for you. Your focus on the softer, tender parts of you will be part of your Union work. 


If your Twin Flame is a Leo some of the inner work you might need to do in order to cultivate inner and outer Union includes working on your relationship with your happiness, sense of self, creativity, and self love. You may have either a hard time taking center stage, or you have a hard time not being center stage. Finding a healthy relationship with your ego and learning how to fill up your own cup with self love will go along way. Your mirroring lessons may also include cultivating more happiness, fun, creative expression, or just learning how to be present with each moment that is in front of you. 


If your Twin Flame is a Virgo some of the inner work you might need to do in order to cultivate inner and outer Union includes working on your relationship with the little details. If you struggle with your inner critic, that may come to surface. You may also be called to pay attention to how your organize your life, cultivate your reality, nourish your health, and the type of work you do. If the little details aren't right, your Twin Flame will call your attention to working on them. At the same time, you may have to be mindful of patterning of wanting to fix someone. You can always help someone heal, but at the same time, it's important to make yourself and your well-being your priority. 


If your Twin Flame is a Libra some of the inner work you might need to do in order to cultivate inner and outer Union includes working on your relationship to relationship! Learning how to see things from the other point of view, nurture balance, and find the compromise will go a long way for your inner work. There may be times where you are having to learn to embrace and accept the lover archetype with in you. You may be learning about attraction and beauty, and how to step into your flirty self. If you don't have a strong relationship with fairness or justice yet, this will help you get there. 


If your Twin Flame is a Scorpio some of the inner work you might need to do in order to cultivate inner and outer Union includes working on your shadows. Understanding your psychology, how you think and why you behave the way you do will go a long way in allowing you to heal from old wounds and take power back over your self. You may also be lead to learn how to have an intimate connection with someone, and how to work through the fear and vulnerability that comes with letting someone in. Learning how to embrace your dark side and trust the depths of your intimate connection with your Twin Flame will go a really long way. Your mirror work will require you to transform and find your power. 


If your Twin Flame is a Sagittarius some of the inner work you might need to do in order to cultivate inner and outer Union includes working on your relationship to the bigger picture. If you struggle to have perspective or to think optimistically, this may be your sign to work on that! You may also be called to take what lights you up and follow through with it, no matter how far it takes you. You may be called to either nurture your adventurous side, or make sure that you're being smart with how you adventure. If there is knowledge, experience, or perspective that you want to share with the work, step into the inner teacher within you to help bring out the best of your Twin Flame too. 


If your Twin Flame is a Capricorn some of the inner work you might need to do in order to cultivate inner and outer Union includes working on stepping into your highest self and your relationship with your career. You may have lessons around delayed gratification, doing the hard work now so things will be even better in the future. Or perhaps, if you work too hard, it may be a sign to balance that out with some play. You may be called to seriously investigate your relationship with your father, authority, or your future. Who do you think you should be versus who you really want to become will be important questions. You may feel like you have to work hard regardless, so where do you want to end up? 


If your Twin Flame is an Aquarius some of the inner work you might need to do in order to cultivate inner and outer Union includes working on your relationship with humanity and the changes you are meant to bring to the status quo. If you struggle with not fitting or your Twin Flame not being conventional enough, there might be a reason and you may need to work to embrace your inner rebel. You may also be here to learn about detaching from your emotions, or if you detach too much, how to be present with them. If your Twin Flame isn't showing you their best self, consider how you are meant to make an impact on society, and start working on that to see if you get any shifts. 


If your Twin Flame is a Pisces some of the inner work you might need to do in order to cultivate inner and outer Union includes working on your relationship with your spirituality and intuition. If you aren't a spiritual person, it may be time to explore why. If you've got a wounded relationship with spirituality, it might be time to heal that. You may also have to face lessons of escapism, dissociation, illusion, or confusion. Learning how to take alone time, draw your boundaries, and clear out what is not yours will be super important. Take time to connect to your soul self as often as you can and see how that makes a difference. 


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