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Blog What is Twin Flame Union and Why are There So Many Different Types of Union?

What is Twin Flame Union and Why are There So Many Different Types of Union?


Union as a concept is a bit abstract. It’s hard to know what it is, and it’s hard to define. It’s hard to pin down! 

I totally respect and encourage everyone to define Union for themselves (so much so this is day one’s activity for the Twin Flame Journey Orientation!!). I think it would be fair for a definition to include:

  • What union means for your relationship with yourself
  • What union means for your relationship with your Twin Flame
  • What union looks like on a spiritual or soul level
  • What union looks like on a physical or human level

For the sake of this blog, my definition is the following:

Twin Flame Union is a baseline of self-commitment, love, and growth that is mirrored in my Twin Flame relationship. It includes being spiritually connected to myself and my Twin Flame, and a commitment to earthly partnership with myself and my Twin Flame. It’s a state of active balance, grace, and dedication to mine and our higher selves. 

Feel free to keep my definition or make adjustments! 

What about Sacred Union, Harmonious Union, and True Union?

My thoughts on this are pretty simple. I think Union already implies Sacred, Harmonious, and True. These words are embellishments and distracting. They also encourage you to put Union on a pedestal. This makes Union either one-sided or unattainable. 

If these words resonate, feel free to use them. Otherwise, keep it simple and let Union be enough!

And Inner Union and Outer Union? 

I like these terms, and actively use them! 

While Sacred, Harmonious, and True distract Union, these words break Union down into smaller parts. 

Inner Union and Outer Union aren't Union on their own, but they're two pieces of Union, and when we find wholeness in each, and bring them together in a balanced way, we reach Twin Flame Union. 

Inner Union speaks to the you side of the Twin Flame mirror. It’s the journey's lessons around meeting yourself to the best of your abilities. This isn't about perfection, which is why I use the word baseline in my definition. No matter what life throws at you, it's about being a united front with yourself. There may also be a spiritual component to your relationship with yourself, including a connection to your higher self, inner child, or soul purpose. You'll also find a physical component that manifests through self-care and the actualization of your dreams and goals. Inner Union will look different for everyone, so it's up to you to define what exactly being your teammate looks like for you. 

Outer Union speaks to the we side of the Twin Flame relationship. It’s the physical relationship dynamic between you and your Twin Flame. It’s the relationship lessons you're facing. It's learning how to dance this dance with your Twin Flame, in all its intensity. It’s built on the foundation of Inner Union. The work you do to be there for yourself will allow you to be a better partner and to show up consciously when things get triggering, as they might do. As long as you're meeting yourself in inner union, your Twin Flame will meet you in outer union. The spiritual component of outer union may include connecting to their higher self or your relationship with trusting the journey/connection. The physical component may be communication, relationship rebuilding, or relationship milestones like defining the relationship, engagement, marriage, etc. Just like with Inner Union, this will look different for everyone, and you get to help define it. 

You can look at inner union as how well you get along with yourself, and outer union as how well you get along with your Twin Flame. 

Breaking Union down this way helps you get clear on the different aspects, find wholeness in each, and then bring them back together for Reunion, kind of like what separation and reunion do for Twin Flames. 

You may also find that when you get stuck in one area, it leaves an opening for you to make progress in the other until you find your way where you want to be. 

And Physical and Spiritual Union?

This is a breakdown as well, so I find these helpful too. Physical Union is the human side of the relationship. This might include marriage, or at least romantic commitment and connection. Or it can be friendship and open communication. This can be hard for people to obtain because a lot of inner and outer work has to happen to get there first. Out of all the breakdowns, it's the hardest to achieve! Spiritual Union is your souls being a team, which is always true. It’s not something you have to work for, it’s just something you get to receive. Out of all the breakdowns, this is the easiest to achieve. 

For many people, they get fixated on one or the other. Some think they’re only allowed to want Spiritual Union and have to learn to be satisfied without ever getting Physical Union. While finding satisfaction regardless of circumstances is a good life lesson and helps manifest Union quicker, you aren’t better spiritually because of self-denial. Other times, people will only focus on the physical, upset it's not there, taking the spiritual for granted, and never giving it the chance to do its work.

Union is best achieved when we allow ourselves to fully receive spiritual union, but also take the time to build out physical union, as that is the uniting of these two breakdowns of Twin Flame Union. 

Okay, what about Divine Union?

This one I use only in one context. When I’m talking about the balancing of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, I’ll call it Divine Union. While we don't call it the Feminine Union and Masculine Union, breaking Union down into Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies is similar to breaking it down into physical and spiritual, or inner and outer, and where you might call those 'union', in this specific context, I typically call it Divine Union. 

Looking at it this way, this might be a helpful way for you to conceptualize the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. Rather than seeing one side as you and one side as your Twin Flame, both sides are yours, and as you learn about them independently, you'll be able to bring them together in Union. As you do this on an inner level, it'll get easier to do it on an outer level. As you do this on a spiritual level, it'll get easier to do it on a physical level. 

Other people may use it differently, but in those instances, I think Divine fits in with Sacred, Harmonious, and True. 


In conclusion, Twin Flame Union is a balancing act between the relationship you have with yourself and the relationship you have with them, and it includes learning how to balance the physical with the spiritual. It’s about finding wholeness in the oppositions, and then bringing them together as a team. 

Words that embellish Union or repeat what Union may already mean aren’t very helpful in conceptualizing Union. If they’re important for you to use, use them, but be mindful not to put Union on a pedestal. 

Words that break down Union into smaller parts are great for better understanding and cultivating Union but don't forget to bring them back together. We’re looking for a Reunion, after all. 


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