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Blog Reaching Out to Your Twin Flame: What You Need to Know

Reaching Out to Your Twin Flame: What You Need to Know


Reaching out to your Twin Flame is a controversial topic. It's a hard choice to make, to decide if it's the right time or if you should wait. Sometimes it's all you want to do. Other times, it's the last thing you want to do. Maybe you've come across an expert says that you should never reach out, that's chasing, and to let your Twin Flame come to you, or maybe you've heard the exact opposite, that you HAVE to reach to to your Twin Flame in order to reach Union. 

It's also loaded with emotions, vulnerabilities, and fears. What if it goes wrong? What if I'm rejected? What if I'm bothering them? What if they're with someone else? 

So, to give you the chance to sort through whatever you're feeling, I want to give you the need to know about communicating with your Twin Flame, and then you can take this information and apply it to your journey in the way that best suits you. 

Premise One: Communication with your Twin Flame is something you will have when you are in Twin Flame union. 

When you think about being in a relationship with your Twin Flame, it's not going to be a big deal to text or call them, to talk about your feelings, to ask them questions, to send them an email or have an in person conversation with them. This means that communication is apart of the Twin Flame union puzzle. 

Premise Two: Chasing comes from the intention behind the action, not the action itself.

Chasing is pursing something outside of yourself when the source is within. You can text your Twin Flame as an act of chasing, looking to get attention, love, or validation from them because you feel like you are lacking it internally and it's uncomfortable to face that yourself. Or you can text your Twin Flame as an act of building, looking to connect, collaborate, and work together to see what your next steps are. The action and even the words could be the exact same, but the motivations (conscious or unconscious) are different, and that difference is what sets chasing apart from communication. 

Conclusion One: If you want communication and union with your Twin Flame, you need to have that communication come from a place of building instead of chasing. 

While this isn't the only ingredient necessary for successful communication, it's still essential. You can't get to Union without talking to your Twin Flame, but you won't have successful conversations with your Twin Flame if you aren't giving yourself what you need. So, what do we take away from this? You have to give yourself what you need in order to have successful communication with your Twin Flame. This will allow you to communicate as a way to expand what you have given yourself, not fill in what's not there, which the Twin Flame journey will not allow anyways. 

Premise Three: The Divine Masculine takes action, the Divine Feminine attracts. 

Many people assume manifesting is only the law of attraction, but it's actually when the law of attraction and law of action unite together to achieve the same objective. The Divine Masculine energy that we see in Twin Flames is often responsible for taking action on what it wants. The Divine Feminine energy that we see in Twin Flames is often responsible for aligning its energy so that it is a match for what it wants. When it comes to communication this means the DM is the one that sends the text, and the DF is the one that gets to a place of energetic union and communication with their Twin Flame.

Premise Four: All Twin Flames have both DM and DF energies inside of them. 

There is a hermetic principle that stays as within, so without. Within is Inner Union, and Without is Outer Union. As inner union, so outer union. If we see our Twin Flame as the Masculine and ourselves as the Feminine, and together we need to figure out how to be in a relationship, then that means there is also a DM and DF side internally within every Twin Flame that needs we need to find out how to get to work together. This means that to be fully in Union, we cannot only play one side of the manifesting coin. We have to be prepared to both act and attract. 

Conclusion Two: It's possible that you have the power to start the conversation that leads to reunion. 

If you aren't chasing, you're giving yourself what you need, you know communication is apart of the journey, you realize that you have to align yourself and take action, and then you take that inspired action... you can start the conversation that leads to Reunion. You can start the conversation that doesn't push your Twin Flame away, but instead gives you a chance to build. 

Premise Five: The work doesn't stop when you are in Union. 

Communication is a skill. It's not as simple as aligning yourself and sending the text. That's just how you get it started. The next steps revolve around putting into action the inner work you've been doing. Separation requires us to heal, and that's so that when we come together and we are triggered, we have some training wheels on how to work through that. Getting to a conversation doesn't mean it's going to be easy. It just means you have the chance to do the hard work to get to where you want. 

Conclusion Three: If you want to maintain communication, you must maintain the work. 

This means maintaining the inner union that is foundational to getting communication going, but also the relationship work it takes to understand your partner, meet their needs, and communicate an understanding of yourself and get your needs met. To learn how to navigate fights, tend to your triggers, negotiate compromise or differences in opinions, and to build positive moments that support you through the good times and bad. 

Okay, now that you know the important stuff... you get to decide, are you ready to reach out to your Twin Flame? Do you feel like you've got the inner union going? Are you prepared for the next level of work? 

If not, that's okay, you can hit pause on this idea until you are ready, but if everything else is working for you, why not take the shot and see what happens? Their answer will always be no if you never take the risk! 

Also, if you want some tools, practice, and more insight on how to manifest communication and have better communication with your Twin Flame the Communication Toolkit might be just for you. Learn more and grab it here. 


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