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The Twin Flame Journey Orientation

Okay, so you met your Twin Flame, things were great, then they weren't... now what? 

Maybe you've done some googling, or followed a few instagram pages trying to make sense of this journey, and you've figured out that there is some work to do, but it's not exactly clear what that looks like and how it applies to you. You hear about running and chasing, surrender and detachment, but not necessarily how to find your way to Union. 

In this Five Day Challenge it's my goal to help you change how you see this journey and how prepared you feel for it. 

Think about it as if you're at a national park and you walk into the ranger station.

The ranger:

  • asks you what you want out of your trip
  • gives you a map of the terrain and some tips on navigating it
  • goes over what to expect and what you may need to be aware of
  • reviews your tools and equipment, making sure you have what you need and will leave behind what you don't 
  • answers any questions you may have before you get started

This is the spirit of this Orientation! 

Each day you'll get a teaching + an activity for putting it into action in your own journey

Day One:

We make Union a P R A C T I C A L obtainable, spiritually aligned goal. I'll also give you some coaching perspective that might help if you're struggling to let yourself want union. 

Day Two:

We paint a clearer picture of the 5 different types of Twin Flame work. Knowing these categories can make sure your approach is holistic enough to feel satisfying for union.

Day Three:

I teach you how to evaluate where you stand in each of the five categories of Twin Flame work so you can integrate that progress you've made already and get started in that area that has been needing your attention lately. 

Day Four:

We'll go over the essential tools needed for the journey, as well as how to embrace the nuance of finding the right tools for you. If you're carrying extra weight with a tool that's no longer helpful, this is where you'll release it. 

Day Five:

You'll decide on your next steps for a milestone that feels good for you to work towards. Then, it's take off time. 

The ranger station is open, are you coming in? 

6 Modules

Start Here!

Get started with Day 0's practice while you wait for Day 1 to arrive!

Day One: Defining Your Destination

A journey isn't a journey without a destination. Define your goals and get clear on what Union means to you, while ensuring that practically, it's possible. 

Day Two: Getting to Know the Terrain

We know where we're going, but what type of landscapes will we meet along the way there? And how can we best show up for what they're asking for? 

Day Three: Triangulating Your Location

Now that you know your destination and the types of Twin Flame work you can find on the journey, we're going to take a closer look at where you stand within each area of work so you can get an even clearer image on where you're at and where you're heading next. 

Day Four: Gathering Your Tools

Before you take off into the wilderness of the Twin Flame journey, it's helpful to have some tools to navigate the challenges and terrain you'll face. For Day Four, you'll be able to get clear on what tools will work for you and when, so when there are obstacles, you can overcome them. 

Day Five: Take Off

Now that you've got the information overload about the Twin Flame journey, it's time to quiet out the noise and focus on the next step or two in front of you so you can take off on your adventure! 

Modules for this product 6
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