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Blog 6 Ways to Do the Twin Flame Work even when you're in no contact

6 Ways to Do the Twin Flame Work even when you're in no contact


If reaching out to your Twin Flame is not an option, either because you're blocked/unable to contact them, or because you just don't feel like you're ready to do that, there are still plenty of ways you can step into your Divine Masculine energy to take action towards Divine Union. And, if you're thinking, but I'm the Divine Feminine, I need to let my Twin Flame step into their Divine Masculine, remember we are both!! As within, so without. If you want your DM to step up, step up your own inner DM energy!

If you're not sure how to do that... you're in luck!

Here are six ways that I recommend you start taking action towards Twin Flame Union, if you haven't already!

  1. Journal your feelings. As long as you don't let yourself talk in circles, journalling is a great way to get your thoughts and feelings out, get a different perspective, and to release and shift things. Plus, if you want your Twin Flame to do a better job at communicating and listening to you, this is great for the mirror work! If you find that after journaling, you're still feeling those strong feelings, don't be afraid to use other outlets too. Scram, cry, punch a pillow... what ever works for you!

    You may be thinking to yourself, isn't processing emotions more of a DF thing? Yes and No. The DF is probably better at it, but both energetics have an emotional body. Taking action to understand yours and explore your feelings is an act of Divine Masculinity too, it's all about balance, baby.

  2. Visualize your Divine Union. I call this imagination manifestation and being able to work through what Union will look like for you will allow yourself to align with it quicker. It'll also show you any challenges that may still need to be ironed out. Try to touch Divine Union with all of your senses, and bonus points if you write down what you're feeling. While visualization is often seen as a more DF way to manifest, giving yourself permission to do this work requires you to embrace the DM. Remember, it takes two to tango. 

  3. Talk it through with their Higher Self. Their higher self is your personal guide for this journey. They are a direct line of communication to your Twin Flame, their energetic body, and the wisdom of this journey. Talking to their higher self helps with alignment because it puts you into an energetic match for getting communication with your Twin Flame. It also helps you work through anything that's been getting in your way. You can get as fancy as meditation, or as casual as just chatting out loud as you go about your day. Sometimes, giving yourself permission to address what you want head on is just what you need from your Dm energy!
  4. Use the Mirror Work worksheet and do some Mirror Work. You can find this here for free. Being willing to reflect and see where as within, so without is showing up in your relationship really allows you to break out of feeling like a victim to your 3D circumstances. It also allows you to identify what you need to shift, so you can get shifting, and get the results you want. Totally standing in that DF and DM energy! 
  5. Embody balance with Yoga, or move energy with physical exercise. Did you know that the word Yoga comes from the work Yoke, meaning Union? Whenever I've done yoga in the past, it always connects me to a physical representation of my inner union. Take some action and drop into your body and find your union through a yoga practice, or go on a walk or do some exercise to help move physical energy. Set the intention that this DM practice helps bring you closer to your Union through the strength you build and the energy you release.
  6. Send energy their way. Close your eyes, and rub your palms together in front of your heart. Build up the warmth, then slowly move your hands apart, feeling the energy of the warmth from in the space in between. Either pick a color, or allow the color to give you a color. You may also hear a word, theme, or message. Turn your palms out as if towards your Twin Flame and feel as the enemy moves from you towards your Twin Flame. Visualize them receiving the energy, getting a boost in return. Being there and providing for your TF is a great way to step into your DM energy too!


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